Cybersecurity Awareness, Mentoring and Coaching

Senior America

The Critical Need for Cybersecurity Awareness Among Senior Citizens

How Can I Help?


Top cybercrimes that have targeted senior citizens over the age of 60.

Safeguard Seniors Online

Are you or a loved one confident in navigating the digital world safely? In today’s rapidly changing online landscape, seniors are becoming prime targets for cybercriminals. Without the right knowledge, a single click can lead to devastating consequences. That’s why cybersecurity awareness for Senior America is more important than ever.

My training is designed to equip seniors with the skills and confidence needed to recognize and avoid online threats. Through practical strategies and clear guidance, I help seniors protect themselves from scams, identity theft, and fraud. The positive impact of this training is undeniable—empowering seniors to stay safe and secure online, while also providing peace of mind for their families.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Sign up for more information on how my cybersecurity awareness training can help you or your loved ones stay protected in today’s digital age.

2023 CRIME $$ LOSS

The amount of money that has been lost towards seniors is appalling.